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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Two pointers a.k.a Sliding Window

Well this is a very common topic specially in Codeforces. It's merely an algorithm rather I like to call it a technique and quite an useful one.

The CP3 ( Competitive Programming 3) states 4 variants of this technique.But before we look into those first lets take a look into an easier problem which will motivate towards the technique.

Suppose we have an array A of length upto 10^5. and we want to know if a pair of this array can make a certain value S.

Obviously we can iterate all possible pair. But that'a too timid and yield to a complexity of O(n^2).

So if we sort the array. Then take two pointer one left and right pointing to the first and last element of the array.if A[left] + A[right] > S , then we can say for sure we have to move the right pointer. because otherwise our purpose would not be served as A[left] < A[left+1]. But as       
A[right]> A[right-1] , So we have to move the right pointer.

Similarly if at some point A[left] + A[ right] < S , then we have to move the left pointer. As we are seeking a larger value which can only be found if we move the left pointer.The code would look like this-

Variant - 00:

Find if there exists a pair whose sum is S.

bool two_pointer_variation_0(int sum)
    int left=0,right=n-1;
            return 1;
        else if(a[left]+a[right]>sum)
    return 0;



Find the largest sum possible in an Array but not greater than M;

int left=0,right=0; int sum=0; int ans=0; while(left<=right) { while(right<n && sum+a[right]<=M) { sum+=a[right]; right++; } ans= max(ans,sum); sum-=a[left]; left++; } cout<< ans <<endl;

#Variant - 02: (cp3 variation 1)

Find the smallest sub array size so that the sum of sub array is greater than or equal to a certain value S;

int left=0,right=-1; int ans=INF; int temp_sum=0; while(left<n) { right++; temp_sum+=a[right]; if(temp_sum>=sum) { ans= min( ans , abs( right - left ) ); } while(left<n && temp_sum-a[left]>=sum) { temp_sum-=a[left]; left++; } } cout<< ans <<endl;

#Variant - 03 :

Find the largest sum possible in an array but not greater than M; int left=0,right=0; int sum=0; int ans=0; while(left<=right) { while(right<n && sum+a[right]<=M) { sum+=a[right]; right++; } ans= max(ans,sum); sum-=a[left]; left++; } cout<< ans <<endl;

#Variant - 04 : ( cp3 variation - 03 )

find the maximum sum of a certain subarray with size k cp3 variation 3 int left=0,right=0; int sum=0; int ans=0; while(left<n) { while(right<n && right-left<k) { sum+=a[right]; right++; } if(right-left==k) { ans = max ( ans , sum ); } sum -= a[left]; left++; } cout<< ans << endl;

#Variant - 05 : (cp3 variation -02 similar)

smallest sub array size so that the sub array contains at least k distinct
set <int> s; map <int, int> mp; mp.clear(); s.clear(); int left=0,right=0; int ans=INF; while(left<n) { while(right<n && s.size()< k) { s.insert(a[right]); mp[a[right]]++; right++; } if(s.size()>=k) { ans = min( ans , abs( right - left ) ); debug( left , right ) } if(mp[a[left]]==1) s.erase(a[left]); mp[a[left]]--; left++; } cout<< ans << endl;

#Variant - 06 : ( cp3 variation -04 )

find the minimum element of each possible sub array with a size k
cp3 variation 4

    deque<pii> window;

    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

        while(!window.empty() && window.back().first>=a[i])
        ///this is to keep the array sorted
        ///window.front() is always the minimum element


        ///now use the second part to see if the front elemt is still inside the window or pop it otherwise


            cout<< window.front().first <<endl;


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